Outdoor Supervision Policy
>Staff will be placed strategically to be available in all areas of the playground
>When playing on the cement playground, on staff member will be next to the sports area; one staff will be in the middle of the play area and another staff member will be on the side closest to the shed and the main entrance
>When playing in the playground with the sandbox, one staff member will position themselves close to the sandbox; one staff will be next to the entrance to have an overall view and one staff member will be near the slide and teeter-totter for maximum supervision
>When playing on the outside play structure, one staff member will position themself near the slide; one person will be near the rock climber (this area is typically used at the end of the day when there are less children here)
>The climber will not be used in the mornings when it is sunny as the slide gets too hot
>All playgrounds are examined first thing in the morning during yard set-up for garbage and/or dangerous materials
>We keep a schedule of equipment checks and yard checks
>When children are using outdoor equipment in an unsafe manner, we will speak to them in a respectful tone; we will redirect them to another area if that does not work and they are still being unsafe
>If a child is upset, we will let them sit and cool down in a designated quiet spot outside and they can return to play when they feel calmer
In all areas, safety is our priority, prevention of injuries is our goal and creating a safe and enjoyable experience for the children is what we strive for.