Food Policy

Food Policy

We will provide healthy snacks in the morning and afternoon each
day, and we also offer milk and water at lunch time. In order to
help us foster proper nutritional habits within the daycare, please:

  1. Provide a nutritious, daily lunch, consisting of food from the four food groups. Candy, gum, chips or chocolate will be removed from lunches and returned upon going home.
  2. Refrain from sending fast food lunches, i.e. McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, etc.

(Birthday treats will be allowed for the children’s birthday parties at the daycare i.e. small cupcakes, mini brownies, or cookies etc.)

Please note that because we do not have any children with nut allergies, we allow nuts in the daycare and occasionally serve peanut butter at snack time. Please make sure that your child has tried peanut butter before his or her first day at daycare.